It has been awhile since I have had time to sit down and visit my own blog. I had eight days of constant art stimulation. I am so tired but so happy. First. I did take my class with Leanna Light and had a great time. It introduced me to using metal in my art (aside from a little silver smithing I have not really used any).
Leanna on the right - getting us started.
My pieces at a very early stage. I will post them again as they are completed.
Girlfriend Ella, came over and we worked on the Fiber Art Workshop exercises together. It is always a day of giggling and great fun.
FAW(2) Hot glue on foil - then applied to quilt block. This is so shiny!
Then my friend, Judy, made it down from Colorado. It was so good to see her and her husband. This was the first time in over twenty five years we have had an extended visit without having some outside influence on our time. I was able to introduce her to some of my mixed media passions and she helped me to get over some of my inhibitions regarding watercolor. We both did Zen Tangles for the first time. Her's were great, mine were OK.

I need a finer pen if I am going to work on ATC sizes.
She fell in love with my felting machine. I think she will be a proud owner of one soon. I got some of my pieces trimed to ATC size. Now I need to embelish them.
The ATC's are a great way for me to use up the trimings of my larger pieces.
Another friend, Lynne, and I started on papercloth awhile ago. I pulled mine out and got the pieces done. I don't know what I am going to make out of it but I think it is kind of fun and funky stuff.

(muslin - matt gel medium - images on paper - matt gel medium - tissue paper - matt gel medium - paint - stamping)
We worked with watercolors a bit. It is just background stuff but I was able to keep my colors clear.
Pieces for my ATC workshop

water color on paper
Acrylic paint on paper towel
Pearlized paint on paper towel
Watercolor on baby wipes
We also started dolls. I have lots of parts that we made. I will show them as they get farther along.